Cheryl has been in Christian ministry since her twenties. In addition to writing and speaking, she has served in local church ministry alongside her husband, Dr. Clayton Ford, who has pastored five churches over a span of 35 years. Cheryl's first book, The Pilgrim's Progress: Faithfully Retold in Today's English, was first published in 1991 and went on to win a Gold Medallion Award. In November 2016, it was repackaged into a lovely new volume. The newly published companion study, The Pilgrim's Progress Discipleship Course, is designed to complement the story. This takes the reader/student to a whole new level in understanding the doctrinal truths presented. Cheryl has published four other books and continues to write. (Feel free to visit the Books section of this site to learn more).
She has two grown children who are active in ministry today, and five grandchildren.
If you would like to invite Cheryl to speak at your church, conference, or retreat, please contact her by clicking below.